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A Letter To AerLingus Customer Service

To whom it may concern at Aer Lingus, I recently used your new transatlantic service from Dublin to Seattle and I found the service to be very good, in keeping with what I have come to expect from AerLingus as Ireland’s national carrier and a 4-star airline....
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Hearing You Loud and Clear..

By now I think most of us have at least seen headlines related to the recent IPCC update on climate change which describes the impacts of further global warming. To add to this, more recently, the World Wildlife Federation (not to be confused with the wrestlers)...
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Coping With Range Anxiety….Our New Second-hand Nissan Leaf

We had been nursing a very old car along for 15 years until it recently expired with a whimper. My most recent “fix” was to drill holes in the floor to let out the water that it had been accumulating, so its days of useful service were numbered. To be...
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Santa and the Bitcoin Hangover

The way Christmas unfolds in Ireland seems to bring conflicting emotions with it. We, like most parents, like to bring some “magic” to the occasion for our children, but it’s a real struggle to do this without feeling like one is on a slippery slope of wanton waste...
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We’re a family of 5 in Ireland, aiming to live a less consumer driven lifestyle by buying less and Making and Doing more for ourselves. Our mission through this site is to help EMPOWER people to lead a quality life while spending less on stuff the world doesn’t need.

As Featured InIrish Examine image



We’re a family of 5 living in rural Ireland, learning to live a high quality of life by MAKING things we love from what’s already out there, and DOING our best to consume less.


Here’s a growing library of our reuse/repurposing projects from around  the house, with a bit of background on where the idea and materials came from.


Follow us on our adventure of upcycling, repurposing, reducing our wants and enjoying life more fully, and learn about others DOING the same!.